Personal Growth

One resolution we can all achieve

Every year we make unrealistic resolutions that we know deep down we will not achieve. Why? Because we want to feel like we’re doing something different, making that positive change in our lives we should’ve made last year.

We all have our yearly go-to resolution: new diet, more exercise, less alcohol, stronger relationships, new friends, etc. Eventually, stress kicks in about sticking to these commitments we made. We’re negative towards our family, friends, and peers who are still continuing this behavior we are trying to change. We post everyday on social media about our progress and updates, wanting praise and recognition for being so “committed” in the New Year. We continue to work on our resolutions to prove ourselves to others, rather than doing it for ourselves. We lose ourselves in the idea of the resolution.

When we only focus on ourselves, we forget about the environment we are creating for others.

This year we have the opportunity to not just do something different, but change the way we approach every aspect of our life.


Yes, it is that simple. If we’re negative about someone’s diet due to our new eating habits, how are we inspiring them to make a positive change in their health? When we are an influential and supportive person to others this year, that’s the type of people and positive energy we will attract. Whether it’s a new health plan, or building stronger relationships, let’s make the commitment this year to be someone we want to be around.

“You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are. Take responsibility for everything that’s showing up in your life, because it’s reflecting back to you who you believe yourself to be, and what you believe is possible.” – Anastasia Netri
